Emory Donor Relations left you the following instructions:

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! As a scholarship recipient, we'd like to invite you to record a short video message of thanks to the donors who made your Emory experience possible. Donors always enjoy learning about the students they've supported, so please share the following information in your video:
Your name
Your major/program
A message of thanks to your donor(s)
Your post-graduation plans or a favorite Emory memory!
P.S. - be sure to film your video horizontally!

To capitalize on this exciting moment, we invite you to wear your cap & gown in your video clip. So, feel free to record your clip during your senior pictures or even on the day of your ceremony!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ciara Laughlin at cnlaugh@emory.edu.
Recording Tips:
• You can record directly to ThankView on your desktop or mobile device.
Make sure to film horizontally so you fill the frame.
• When recording with a phone or tablet, use a tripod or prop it up with something like books for stability. Try not to hold it.
• Keep your device close for good sound quality but far enough away that you are the focus. Try 3-4 feet.
• Consider shooting in a location your recipients may recognize.
• Choose a location that provides balanced lighting. Try to find a room that has a lot of natural light.
• Record with the window facing you so you benefit from the natural light. If the window is behind you, you will appear shadowed.
• Choose a flattering angle for your recording. Shooting from below is not usually a person’s best angle.
• Avoid echo chambers. Oftentimes sparse offices or conference rooms with glass walls can create a lot of echoes.
• Avoid blustery locations or areas with a lot of foot or vehicle traffic as your device’s mic may pick up noise.
Video Content Tips:
• The content of your video is ultimately up to you. Make it funny, sweet, informative - whatever tone you want.
• We advise always starting with gratitude, whether you’re thanking, inviting, or soliciting your recipient.
• Create a video between thirty seconds and a minute to keep people engaged.
• Be yourself and have fun!

If you're satisfied with your recording, click Submit Video below.

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